April – Club evening at the Velcom Data Centre

From decentralisation to centralisation. From blockchain to the cloud. A week after our blockchain workshop, Club members were lucky enough to get a peek behind the scenes of Velcom's new Data Centre, a state-of-the-art data center built in Minsk. We owe this to Christian Lacke, Velcom's Technical Director, and Denis Filazafovich, Velcom's Director of Business Services and Cloud Services. "Looking behind the scenes of such a data center of one of the leading mobile operators is an unforgettable experience", agreed many participants of the event.

The April Club Evening, organized at the invitation of Velcom in the Data Centre and thus held in a special format, started with a short introduction and a welcome coffee. This was followed by the main event of the evening - a one and a half hour tour of all departments in the Data Centre, accompanied by detailed explanations that highlighted not only each step of the Data Centre's production chain, but also provided the necessary background knowledge and information context. In addition to an improved general understanding of the functions, features, needs and capabilities of such a data center, the existing practical application possibilities and practical maintenance issues and problems were also discussed. Thus, the tour also facilitated professional exchanges between professionals, as many Club members sent their IT experts to this Club Evening.

The tour and buffet were followed by a presentation by Mr Denis Filazafovic, Director of Business Services and Cloud Services, followed by a discussion. Mr. Filasafovich went deeper into the topic once again and talked about the latest developments in the field of mobile communications and communication in general, as well as about the history, status quo and plans of Velcom, in particular. Finally, practical issues from the field of current business solutions were discussed in detail, which were also of interest to the attendees.

Given the very positive feedback, both during and after the event, we are sure that all participants will remember the April Club Evening for a long time. NBEC will endeavor to continue to seek out such special formats for our Club Evenings in the future.