B2B NORD Business Fair in Hamburg

Twice a year, in April and November, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Germany's largest regional trade fair B2B NORD offers professional audiences the opportunity to network intensively, make new contacts, improve existing contacts and, above all, acquire new business partners. On April 25th, more than 200 companies and organisations once again used Hamburg's largest exhibition site to draw attention to themselves and their products, communicate with each other and with guests, establish new contacts and develop old ones. NBEC also participated with its own stand. In addition, Evgeny Gudi, Head of the Representative Office in Belarus, and Stefan Hoffmann, CEO of NORTH IT Group, gave a detailed presentation about Belarus as an IT platform. Thanks to all visitors of our booth for the great feedback! We thank the organisers, all participants, speakers, visitors and exhibitors for this successful trade fair.